Hangover Resurrection

IV Drip for Hangover

A hangover is a collection of symptoms, with the most common being discomfort, apathy, headache, thirst, nausea, lack of appetite, and tremors. The direct mechanism responsible for causing these symptoms is not entirely clear. Alcohol affects multiple metabolic pathways, so the occurrence of a hangover may result from the combination of several factors, with dehydration (due to the inhibition of
vasopressin), hypoglycemia, and acetaldehyde toxicity being the most significant. One way to alleviate the effects of ethanol poisoning from alcoholic beverages and expedite recovery is through the administration of an intravenous drip containing electrolytes, glucose, and vitamin C.

About the IV Drip:

A hangover refers to the unpleasant and inconvenient symptoms caused by excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol. An excessive amount of this substance in the bloodstream leads to the formation of acetaldehyde during alcohol metabolism, which is responsible for most undesirable discomforts. Acetaldehyde is toxic to the body, and its intoxication commonly manifests as nausea, headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. Additionally, alcohol has a dehydrating effect and disrupts electrolyte balance,
further worsening the overall well-being and potentially leading to an irregular heartbeat.

The Hangover 1000 IV Drip, rich in electrolytes and vitamin C, effectively eliminates all the discomfort caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The intravenous infusion is administered directly into the
bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, which allows for faster and more efficient absorption.
Furthermore, alcohol intoxication often presents with nausea and vomiting, making it difficult to consume oral fluids. In such cases, the electrolyte-rich hangover IV drip comes to the rescue. It contains sodium, which regulates blood pressure and nervous system function. Potassium ensures the proper functioning of the circulatory system, while magnesium regulates numerous processes within the body.

Who is it for?

The Hangover Stop IV Drip is intended for individuals suffering from the unpleasant effects of excessive alcohol consumption, whether it was a one-time incident or a prolonged period of drinking. After a single alcohol-related episode, one IV infusion is sufficient to improve well-being. However, in the latter case, in addition to alcohol detoxification, a proper detox process supervised by a specialist is necessary. The IV drip significantly supports the recovery process, but a series of treatments will be needed to fully cleanse the body.


  1. Rehydration and body regeneration
  2. Alleviation of alcohol intoxication symptoms
  3. Elimination of toxic substances resulting from alcohol metabolism
  4. Restoration of water-electrolyte balance

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